From Rev. David Klingensmith
First Congregational Church
Psalm 126
California has been in a drought for the past several years. During those years I imagine that many farmers planted their seeds in tears, as the Psalm says, wondering if they would get water allocations or would see their plants wither and die. They hoped to harvest bountiful crops but a lot is left up to Mother Nature. Farming is filled with a lot of emotions when you live in an arid area like the Central Valley. You look to the past and know that you got through the tough times. That gives you hope you will get through future challenges as well.
Those who made the pilgrimage to Jerusalem recalled God’s past acts of restoration, chiefly the return from Babylonian exile. They said, “The Lord has done great things for us” and they were glad. Even their neighboring nations were in awe.
As we go through our Advent journey may we, too, recall God’s restorative acts in the past.
May we know that God in Christ Jesus can restore us when we are going through personal crises or crises of spiritual drought.
May we remember and reflect on God’s goodness and know joy, even as we know there will be countless other instances where we will need God’s continued restoration.