Do as They Say, Not as They Do
From Ara Guekguezian
First Congregational Church
Matthew 23:1–12
We have high expectations of our leaders, even, especially in the church. We hate hypocrisy especially in those that may have an influence on how we live. The Pharisees were just such folk. Jesus implores us not to dismiss their teaching, nor to incorporate their teaching in their way.
Most days as a pastor, I am convicted by this passage. There are days that my hearts breaks as I see my sisters and brothers who know better walk like a Pharisee. I cringe each time a proclaiming Christian speaks and acts like ‘opposite Jesus’.
Each moment I proclaim or testify, I hope I am strong enough, wise enough, and courageous enough to follow through on my speech and my understanding of the Word that is Jesus.
My expectation is frequent failure. My trust is in the unbounded, unlimited, ever available grace of God revealed in the birth, life, death and resurrection of the Christ.
Peace. It is indeed a peace that passes all understanding.
Prayer: Grant me the wisdom and courage to live as I preach, O Lord.
Pastor Ara