Scott’s Thoughts: Say it. Do it.

From Scott Baucher, Moderator

You’ve heard it said: Actions speak louder than words. 

This phrase suggests a truth: people’s actions reveal their true character. We have an appreciation for people who walk the walk, not just talk the talk. We value action and appreciate those who roll their shirt-sleeves up and get their hands dirty.
Yet, there are times when we must speak up, too. When voices need to be used and heard. When our collective voice can and does move people to action. I’m concerned out our national politics with so many actions taking place behind closed doors with little time to examine the outcomes of quick actions on our environment or our most vulnerable or even how they stand against our national character. 
That “said”, this writing isn’t about our national politics, so I’m going to leave it here. Instead, this writing is my way of saying how often I find myself in awe at everything that is happening at Big Red. There is action…lots of it!
So much is being done, that I am moved to say: THANK YOU! Thank you one and all for everything you do at and for the church and our congregation and our community. We are all so lucky to be a part of this living, breathing organism we so affectionately call The Big Red Church!
It’s time for more, however. We are ready to step back and take a look at the panorama, the horizon; to see what is coming so we know what is needed. Let’s shore up our church, our day-care room, our kitchen, our bathrooms, and audio-visual system. Let’s improve our facility so we can focus on serving more and better. We are ready to move our actions into new spaces within our walls. We are worth it, but more importantly, Fresno’s neediest are worth it. None of us can say this loud or often enough. 
Let’s move! 
Say it. Do it.

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