New Offering Card to Debut October First

From the Ministry of Worship
The Ministry of Worship works with the pastor to assess ways to make our Worship Services a place where we can consciously connect with God through words of our faith, uplifting music, and ritual.  
The Ministry of Worship wants you to see the Offering Time with fresh eyes.  A lot of folks let the plate pass by because they already gave.  Many of us give by mail, by electronic pay systems direct from our bank, or through our phones (Givlify App or Square).  We want to contribute; we just do it in different ways. So it’s easy to just let the plate go by in the service.
But, because God loves us unconditionally, we need to respond – to offer of something of ourselves back to God – that is what the
Offering Time is all about.  Every Sunday, we should be conscious of offering back to God.  We can offer dollars, but we can also offer service, or even prayers of gratitude.
To help us do that each week, we are debuting an Offering Card on Sundays. If you are not putting a financial donation into the plate, consider using our new Offering Card: 
  •  If you have donated electronically or by mail this week, mark it on the card and put that in the plate.
  •   If you offer a gift of service, such as church office volunteer, working with children or youth, interested in serving on a ministry, or helping with a special project like Crop Walk, Gay Pride Parade, or anything else that comes up in the service, then write that on the card and put it in the plate.
  •   Or you could “offer” a Prayer of Gratitude for something or someone that touched your life in a positive way this week, knowing that God probably had a hand in it somewhere.  (Just a word or two that means something to you and to God)
In this way, we all are consciously making an offering every week.  Because God loves us unconditionally, and in response we offer of ourselves to God. You will find both envelopes and Offering Cards in the pews. 
Thank you from the Ministry of Worship.

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