By Kim Leonard, Director Facilities, Technology, and Communication
One of the more subtle ministries of our church is the delivery of flowers at Christmas and Easter to members of our congregation who are unable to attend church regularly, are experiencing loss, hardship, or otherwise just need extra love and attention at this time. It goes way beyond just taking a plant to someone.
Last year, I had been in the middle of a difficult summer that had bled into an impossible autumn and was creeping into winter. I felt like I couldn’t mentally give anything or possibly put any more energy into the Christmas season than I was—and all I was doing was treading water.
You know, those are usually the times that God finds a way. It was the weekend before Christmas and I was sitting in Church when Judy Frost came up during announcements asking for people to help make visits. Every bone in my introvert’s body was saying “DON’T. DON’T DO IT. You’ll have to meet new people! You’ll have to leave your hermitage home!” God is pretty good at overriding that part of the brain when it’s for our own good, though. I told Judy I’d deliver two.
It ended up being the brightest moment of the Advent season. I wish I had allotted more time to chat with them. I may have been the one delivering the flowers and making the visits, but meeting these two (very different) women and spending an hour or so with each of them did more for getting me into the holiday spirit than all the hot cocoa and Christmas decorations combined.
I know that I will be participating in this very special gesture of friendship and community every Christmas and Easter from here on out, and I invite you to join me—even if you’re an introvert.
Delivery dates: Any time during Holy Week from Palm Sunday (flower pick-up day) to Easter Sunday.
Expected Time Commitment: A 5 minute phone call to ask for the best time to visit, driving time, and plan for around an hour of time to visit.