Written by Dale Buchanan
Your “Getting to Know You” reporter went Friday last to Cabaret at the Big Red Church. Mind you this reporter had no idea what a Cabaret was. I had my notebook in my pocket thinking that there might be an opportunity to schedule a couple of interviews for this column. As the time drew near, my friend Gayle called and instructed me that shorts and a tee shirt would not be acceptable attire. After token resistance yours truly capitulated and slipped into a pair of long pants and a button-up shirt. She met me at the door. I passed inspection and we were off to Cabaret—she to serve as a volunteer, me with my nefarious plan to schedule at least a couple of “Grape Leaf” interviews.

We strolled in and found the Fellowship Hall transformed. Gayle disappeared to her volunteer responsibilities and I found a table and a chair—a place to sit and watch. Even at that early hour the room was a beehive of activity. All thoughts of my notebook and private interviews were erased as the enchantment of that room full of “people from the pews” became a living collage of good people working together to produce a Cabaret.
It took your intrepid reporter quite a while to absorb the enormity of this Cabaret. Before I go any further, it seems appropriate to attempt to describe the transformation of the Fellowship Hall from hall to Cabaret. This large room serves very well as the functional center of Big Red. For example, every Sunday morning after worship a steady stream of folks make the short walk from the Sanctuary to the Fellowship Hall. A light meal is served and Christian fellowship happens.
On Friday night this practical, functional room, for a few magical hours, ceased to be utilitarian and became, through the collaborative labor of Big Red pew members, a delightful, even magical, environment capable of turning that ordinary fellowship hall into an enchanted space.
This column cannot begin to chronicle the countless hours of preparation or count the endless details. There are no words to explain the ups and downs, the compromises required. Actually, there is no reason to think about these things. The proof is in the pudding!
You, everyone of you who stepped out of the pews of anonymity, served not for recognition but for love of your cause. You labored in love and dealt with frustrations and even disagreements. From all of this, from months of hard, time-consuming work came this enchanted evening.
Because of your tireless efforts the Cabaret was a success in every way imaginable. Those of us who attended were treated, dare I say—blessed, with a delightful evening. Old friends greeted. New friends met. A gourmet meal, exquisite music, enchanting ambiance, and a bounty of funds to continue and grow the Pantry ministry!
All of the above and more because Christians from the pews saw a need and responded. God bless you one and all!
Dale Buchanan is a member of FCCF with a passion for stories and writing. In between penning his own memoirs, he is helping us get to know our members, one pew at a time.