Scott’s Thoughts: Move

From Scott Baucher, Moderator
In my previous writing, I mentioned infrastructure as being one area of focus for 2017 and 2018. Infrastructure is defined as the basic physical and organizational foundation needed for an entity to operate. Often roads, bridges, and airports are considered part of our nation’s infrastructure where goods can be moved efficiently. Our church infrastructure may not include roads, bridges, and airports as we don’t move many goods. But, we do move people! 
Now,  don’t be silly and wonder: “Does Scott mean move people around on a hand-truck?” 
Rather, consider this statement: Big Red Church moves people. 
Sure, move means to relocate. But there are many more definitions. It may mean take action, change thinking, create excitement, stir emotions, or see things differently. Note what is in common…each of these possible definitions means change. Change in thinking, attitudes, views, emotions, and understanding. 
Again, we are not movers of goods, but movers of people. Our church is and has always been here to move people. Not with force, but with love and patience and understanding and education and with stories and sermons and fellowship. We are here to help people change things in their own lives that they need or want changed. We are a church where people who want to grow come to be with other people who want to grow. We are not a church that stays put, which simply takes a hammer and a nail. Rather, we are a church on the move!
Being on the move requires infrastructure which takes money. We can’t tax people to pay for infrastructure like Uncle Sam can. But we can ask one another to help fund our infrastructure. Infrastructure includes our building, our staff, our children, our ministries, our music, our systems of accounting and communications, and one road…the Road to 202X…our 5-year-rolling-plan.
Infrastructure is an investment in the future. It pays off. And it feels good to operate well and efficiently. But most importantly, for us at Big Red, it will help us move more and more people to better places in their lives! 
Now is the time to plan for our move into the next year. Will you help us move into 2018 with the resources to develop stronger, more reliable, and more efficient infrastructure so more people can feel moved? If you want to help Big Red move more people, make a pledge!
(Move for Thought: Think about when you’ve been moved at Big Red. I was moved during the White Privilege series. I get moved each time we sing “Go now in peace, never be afraid” at the end of Sunday worship. I’m moved by the food pantry and the safe space for youth. How does Big Red move you? Will you pledge so we can help more people feel moved? )
Your Moderator of Move,
Scott Baucher

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