Scott’s Thoughts: Holy cow! 2017 is gone!

From Scott Baucher
At the close of every year, I wonder where the time went. Usually all I can say is: “Holy cow!” Too often, I’ll confess, I feel a bit saddened or guilty that I didn’t get many of the things done that I hoped for at the start of the new year. This year it’s no different…EXCEPT…instead of beating myself up for not getting things done in the year gone by…I’m going to pick myself up by focusing on what will be getting done in the year to come!! 
This year, let’s try some new things. To start, think about a box you may have recently opened for Christmas. After opening the box, you discovered something interesting inside which was much more important than the box it came in, so the box was set aside. 
In 2018, let’s set boxes aside. When we talk, let’s engage in “no-box talks”. Let’s set aside preconceptions and look at things anew. For example, if I write i-n-f-r-a-s-t-r-u-c-t-u-r-e, how many of us think: “Boooor-ing.”? Or, do we think: “Cooooooool! Infrastructure! We’ll get more things done faster and easier!”? 
If we hear that Big Red might reorganize how we conduct our business, do we think: “What a hassle!”? Or, do we think: “Awesome! Better communication, networking, fellowship, and service!”? 
If we think about remodeling, do we think: “It’ll cost a billion dollars and be a mess around here for eons!”? Or, do we think: “Sweet! We can better serve and feed the needy and make parents feel their kids are safer in our care!”?
Infrastructure, no-box talks, Road to Nexteryear, cameras in day-care so parents can see their kids while in worship, wi-fi locks on church doors, food trucks for homeless meals, 200 average Sunday attendance for both services, too many kids in Sunday School to count, a thrift store that fully funds a home for battered women and their kids, property tax exemptions for the poor so they can stay in their homes…why not?
2018…Let’s embrace it from Awesome to Zeal! 
Scott Baucher
No Box Talker

One thought on “Scott’s Thoughts: Holy cow! 2017 is gone!

  1. Faye Saxton says:

    Love your “No Box ” concept! It’s often hard to embrace change, especially if we are content with “the way things are/were” But Jesus could have framed his message inside the conventional Jewish box, made it sound familiar, easy to assimilate – he choose not to. He chose to leave his box behind and challenged us to look at the contents with fresh eyes. I am willing to try to release some of my “wrappings”, just have to work at it!!

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