Opening a Can of Worms

We are “opening a can of worms” at the Big Red Church—by talking about some of the hard questions that we have. They might be scary questions or embarrassing questions or even dangerous questions. But they touch the essence of faith, life, and doubt. As the story in Genesis goes, Jacob, a trickster who stole his birthright from his older brother Esau, wrestled with God. After that, he was called Israel, a name that means “wrestles with God.” We have not lost that wrestling spirit at the Big Red Church, and we are not afraid to be surprised by the results.

Earlier this year, the Faith Development Vision Group sent out one of its members to have conversations with people in our congregation to gather some of the questions that we wrestle with privately. We wrote those questions down and put them in our “can of worms.” Here are the first four questions that we intend to wrestle with. They were drawn from our can by the children during our August 20, 2017 Sunday morning service:

Did the resurrection literally happen, or is it just a symbolic story?

Do I have to believe in eternal life, even if I don’t want to live forever?

Why do we bother being a Christian church if we only talk or think about specifically Christian ideas for an hour a week on Sundays?

What makes the church special as a group of people?

When are you interested in getting together with people to open a can of worms?
Indicate your general availability by responding to our survey.

One thought on “Opening a Can of Worms

  1. Patsy Finster says:

    I had not put in these words before but I suppose Jesus resurrection is symbolic after all it was a long time ago and we didn’t see it

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